Stress Less

Stress is a really interesting topic. As a practitioner I always ask clients about their stress levels and over the years I had to break it down into various categories i.e.: work, home, relationships, environmental. What I noticed is if … Read More

Brain on Fire

Feeling depressed? Unmotivated? Stressed? Chronic inflammation throughout the body can directly affect the brain causing it to literally to be…. “on fire!” resulting in mood changes. This patient visited me last week and had significant inflammatory markers in her blood … Read More

Plastics and Us

PLASTICS AND US Every choice we make in life has a consequence. This can be a conscious or unconscious choice and a direct or indirect consequence. In essence the connection between all things is important to recognise. In health this … Read More

The End of Complacency

Well I’ve had another gorgeous week at the beach. I think I could get used to this. I’ve been coming back to see clients on Tuesday and Wednesday through January but we’re packing up the caravan this Friday and coming … Read More

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